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photo of Kari Johnson, author of website

My name is Kari Johnson and I am originally from Minneapolis. In the fall of 2019 I moved to Sitka, a beautiful and friendly island of Southeast Alaska! In Sitka I learned about appraisals, plats, right-of-ways, anadromous streams, the importance of rain pants and how to become the subject of an angry Russian petition, among other things. And then, in the spring of 2021, I moved to lovely Portland, Maine, where I currently reside. 


I decided to study graphic design after teaching ESL for 12 years. I enjoyed the challenges of how to best approach and illuminate text. Before that I worked for 12 years in bank operations, in a more technical capacity. My previous education includes a four-year degree in Ancient Greek. Quite some years ago I lived in Athens and studied at the University of Greece. 


The aspects of graphic design that most interest me are web design, illustration and animation. I also enjoy nonfiction writing. I am excited to explore different opportunities that may continue to support my growth in this creative and ever-changing field.

Linda's Legends, in progress!
Dark Cheese Nursery Rhymes for Dogs
Hand-coded,  CSS animation, original text and illustrations.
Touchini Cheeses logo
Bootstrap, some basic JavaScript
Fox Spot logo
Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery
Includes a sleep aid!
Birth Plan with a Spinner
Anatomy Poster
Rex Does Laundry on Anafi
Nonfiction, 3 pages
when luciano.jpg
Nonfiction, 7 pages
Nonfiction, 2 pages
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